
6 Skills that are Automatically Improved by Playing the Piano

We all know that playing the piano is amazing, but did you know that there are also quite a number of perks that come along with it? Apart from the most obvious perk that is being able to play the piano, turns out there are also quite a number of skills to be attained from learning to play the grand instrument. Ranging from practical skills to skills that will help you find a lady (or man) friend, by the end of this post we hope to convince you that playing piano is pretty much the solution to life and all its problems. So what are we waiting for?? Let’s begin!

1. Mathematical skills

Mathematical skills

I’ll admit that the first time I heard the statement that playing piano improves mathematical skills, I thought it was a bogus manipulation to get parents of mathematically challenged kids to sign them up for piano lessons. But it turns out the statement is totally true. Apparently, there is much evidence that supports the positive effects of music playing on one’s ability to do math. You see, there’s such a thing called spatial temporal (ST) reasoning, which essentially is the ability to think ahead several moves and see how individual pieces will fit into a larger picture (like a puzzle). ST reasoning is a key part of understanding mathematics, the world where everything has a place and purpose, as well as a key part of creating harmonious music in which every note fits and works well with the others. So when you’re playing the piano, you’re doing wonders for your ST reasoning, and your math grade will thank you accordingly.


2. Typing skills

Typing skills

You know how everyone says that when you get surfing down, you get snowboarding down as well? Well just as surfing and boarding go hand-in-hand like two peas in a pod, so too do piano playing and typing. Why? Because both activities require essentially the same abilities. Be it you want to type the next bestseller, or learn to play Beethoven’s Sonata No. 19, in both cases you’ll have to look at a screen/paper, interpret what’s written, and simultaneously have your fingers scuttle across the keys in holy unison, doing all the manual work.  In fact, one of the main reasons why playing the piano helps you not only type faster, but also type blindly, is it helps you develop…

3. The skill of multitasking

I'm a multi-tasking procrastinator. I can put off all kinds of things all at once. Yes we can.

Without even realizing it, when you’re playing the piano you’re doing a whole ‘lotta things, and not a single part of your body rests. Think about it, you’re reading notes, interpreting notes, your fingers are getting these messages and are simultaneously pressing the keys with the right intensity and emotion needed for the song, and all the while your feet are busy down there with the pedals, pressing the sustain for added effect and adversity. If that’s not multitasking, we don’t know what is. So piano-playing boys, next time you’re accused of not being able to multitask because you were born to the male gender, just answer back with one simple and wholly effective word- piano.

4. Dancing Skills (AKA Holding a Rhythm)

Polar Bears - Damn it John: It's left-right-left and then a turn

It’s not a shame to be rhythmically challenged, many of us common folk are. But if you’re looking for a way to get a bit of non-nerdy groove into your step, playing the piano is the right choice for you. Playing the piano helps you gain a sense of rhythm, both by hearing it and by physically playing it. After enough hours of practice, you’re guaranteed to notice a difference, as well as all the feet around you on the dancefloor that will no longer be trampled on by your klutzy jelly legs. 🙂

5. Hand-eye coordination

Don't cry over spilt milk? I have the hand-eye coordination to not spill milk. Boom.

Baseball, driving, archery, high-fiving AND MORE! The list could go on and on. Hand-eye coordination is a skill needed everywhere, in virtually all things, whether you realize it or not. And fortunately for all of us musical enthusiasts, we need look no farther than our beloved piano to improve our ability in this field. Playing the piano requires full attention and cooperation between your hands and your eyes, for if you’re learning a Mozart piece and your hands and eyes are not working together, your hands may be playing something, but it sure won’t be Mozart.

6. Massage skills

Here's a list of reasons why you shouldn't get a massage.

I’m sure most will agree that a good masseuse is one who knows how to work their hands and has likely dedicated a significant chuck of their life to working out their finger muscles. A truly good massage is one given by hands that are not shy, hands that know what it’s like to endure a bit of physical labor, hands with confidence. Conveniently enough, the piano enhances each and every one of those things! The reason is that most pianos have weighted keys (sorry keyboardists) which means you have to exert a bit of muscle power to push down on them properly, otherwise you’ll get a feeble, measly sound to metaphorically remind you of how weak you are. This muscle power translates wonderfully when massage hour comes, and the receiver of the massage will thank you greatly. But massages are not just physical strength, and must also include a great deal of gentleness. There too the piano has you covered, as one of the first things you’ll learn about a piano is that, much like humans receiving massages, it appreciates a firm but caressing touch as opposed to an aggressive finger slam.

So readers, which of these surprised you the most? Do you agree with the skill-set above? Let us know in the comments below!

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1 Comment

  1. Mekayla Danielson

    They all are really good. I also think that singing would also be one of the skills in multitasking.

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