Final Fantasy is a media franchise made by Hironobu Sakaguchi and owned by Square Enix which combines video games, motion pictures, and other merchandise. The series commenced in 1987 as a role-playing video game developed by Square, breeding a video game series that became the center of the franchise. The music of Final Fantasy refers to popular songs from the video game series, in addition to the surrounding assortment of soundtrack and compilation albums. The series' music varies from soft background music to emotionally intense associations of character and situation subject matter.
Final Fantasy is a media franchise made by Hironobu Sakaguchi and owned by Square Enix which combines video games, motion pictures, and other merchandise. The series commenced in 1987 as a role-playing video game developed by Square, breeding a video game series that became the center of the franchise. The music of Final Fantasy refers to popular songs from the video game series, in addition to the surrounding assortment of soundtrack and compilation albums. The series' music varies from soft background music to emotionally intense associations of character and situation subject matter.