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Lil Nas X - Holiday Piano Tutorial
Lil Nas X went from "Old Town Road" straight to the North Pole - "Holiday", his first single in over a year, was released in November 2020 with a futuristic, Christmas-themed video - and some rather naughty lyrics...
Dude I love this song and LIL NAS X because of the music he did and because of the roblox premiere and i went to the one for alaska and america that is how much i love him and the very first song i have listened to was old town road because my school counselor always played it. But if i had a choice between him and my boyfriend Marshall i would cho
love it much
3 years ago | Reply
Dude I love this song and LIL NAS X because of the music he did and because of the roblox premiere and i went to the one for alaska and america that is how much i love him and the very first song i have listened to was old town road because my school counselor always played it. But if i had a choice between him and my boyfriend Marshall i would cho
3 years ago | Reply
I remember the premier he did on roblox!
3 years ago
I love this song
3 years ago | Reply
love it
4 years ago | Reply
@Lefty we know btw
4 years ago | Reply